I regularly hear from non-psychiatrists, especially from pediatricians and primary care providers, how unaligned their training was to the types of problems their patients present with. A major mismatch is in mental health. A large percentage of youth presenting for general medical treatment or preventive care have mental health issues. These emotional or behavioral disorders may be brought in as presenting complaints, volunteered as additional problems, or kept private until explicitly assessed. But in all cases, they are likely to adversely affect the quality of life, exacerbate medical conditions, and interfere with medical treatment. Additionally, medications used to treat medical conditions can cause or exacerbate psychiatric disorders and vice versa. Psychiatric medications can affect medical conditions and also cause drug-drug interactions with other medications. And finally, these psychiatric conditions can lead to suicidal or violent behaviors and must never be ignored.
Mental health issues may not be your primary interest. You may even wish you didn’t have to deal with them. It’s ok to admit that. But the reality remains that mental health problems are frequent among minors and becoming more so with the youth mental health crisis.
Top Three Reasons to Attend the Oasis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference
Let me share the top three reasons for attending the Oasis Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Conference to update and expand your practical knowledge of psychiatric, emotional, and behavioral disturbances in children and adolescents:
Attend for patient outcomes and care
You’ll provide better patient care. Of course, this is and must be the main reason for getting relevant continuing medical education in this area. As a bonus, you may also receive better patient care and psychiatric services reviews.
Ease your stress and gain confidence in your practice
You’ll be less stressed: It’s not easy dealing with issues you feel not adequately trained for. Such gaps don’t only affect the patient, but you too. There is no reason to have to face patients with mental health problems and worry that what you don’t know may hurt the patient. Decreasing your stress and increasing your confidence is a major motivation to join us for the Oasis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference.
Learn more about risk management
You’ll exercise wiser risk management: when you attend the Oasis Conference, I believe you’ll not only learn all those things you worry about not knowing, but you’ll be better protected against malpractice risk. You’ll make better clinical decisions and know how to chart an assessment and management plan, and you will have demonstrated an educational focus on this major area of medical practice and medical risk. BTW, the Oasis Conference includes presentations on depression, suicide risk, and risk management, including mental health charting dos and don’ts.
Since I’m on a roll, here are a few other good reasons to join us for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference in 2025
- The Oasis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference is always held in beautiful resorts. In 2025, we’ll be in Hilton Head, South Carolina, April 4-7. The Westin Hilton Head Island Resort & Spa is right on the beach – no roadways to cross. You can walk for miles along the beach. You can visit Shelter Cove, explor the lowcounty, fish, golf, and eat to your heart’s content at the dozens of Hilton Head Island restaurants.
- Given that Oasis is at such a great location, you can have a great time if you come alone, with your significant other, or the whole family. If you can swing the time, can make conference attendance part of a longer vacation.
- Oasis also focuses on your well-being and career success. Take a look at the conference page to review the full agenda for the 2025 psychiatry conference. We also have an IceBreaker Reception so you can get to know the other attendees. We’ve had several life-long friendships form.
- Oasis offers two attendance options: live in-person attendance at the conference venue and remote streaming at whichever location you choose to be at.
- Oasis is guaranteed. If it doesn’t provide you with what you need or disappoints you, you can receive your entire tuition back through the end of the conference.
So, please join us for the Oasis Child & Adolescent Conference and get the practical knowledge you need to practice treating mental health and psychiatric illness more effectively, efficiently, with less stress, and with greater confidence.
Thanks, and I hope to see you at Oasis. – Jack Krasuski, MD, Founder
For a comprehensive Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board review, you can visit us at Beat the Boards.
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